Hundreds of Christians Protest Sexual Orientation Regulations Bill

|TOP|Christians pulled together across the denominations Wednesday to protest the controversial Sexual Orientation Regulations (SOR) outside Parliament.

Hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside parliament to mount the pressure on MPS for a review of the regulations which propose to make it illegal for anyone providing goods and services or facilities to the public to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of their sexual orientation.

Among the demonstrators were a group of black pastors lobbying for the review in light of the problems the new regulations will bring for Christians.

Under the new regulations churches could find themselves in the dilemma of being forced to hire out their halls and facilities to homosexuals promoting homosexual practices.

The Catholic Church is also strongly opposed to the regulations due to its stance against gay adoption, meaning that some of its adoption agencies may face closure if they refuse to place children with gay couples.

Tory MP for Maidstone and the Weald, Ann Widdecombe, is one of the leading voices in the campaign against the legislation.

|QUOTE|She called the proposed legislation “Christophobia”, saying Christians would not have the right to act on grounds of conscience, The Church Times reported.

“It’s Christophobia, I deeply wish I didn’t have to use that term but that’s what it is. If Christians resist anything at all now they are accused of homophobia.

“The legislation means Christians won’t be able to act in accordance with their conscience, even if it’s their own home which they’re using as a bed and breakfast.

“They won’t be able to say to a homosexual couple that they can’t have a double room.

She added: “Political correctness has become a euphemism for suppression of liberty in this country.”

Ms Widdecombe urged a full debate of the regulations in the House of Commons and Lords, a call echoed by the Lawyers Christian Fellowship (LCF) – the organisers of Wednesday’s protest.

|AD|“It’s absolutely vital for Christians to bring this to the attention of their MPs so the regulations have proper Parliamentary scrutiny," said Andrew Williams.

“The laws are further evidence of a competing hierarchy of rights, where sexual rights come above Christian rights.

“It will mean many Christians won’t be able to lawfully act according to their conscience in the delivery of goods of services and will find they are acting contrary to their beliefs.”

A letter was recently published in the Daily Telegraph signed by 177 black pastors who expressed grave concern at the proposed legislation.

“The regulations force Christians in churches, businesses, charities and informal associations to accept and even promote the idea that homosexuality is equal to heterosexuality.

“For the sake of clarity, this is not what the Bible teaches and it is not what we believe to be the truth. In our view, these regulations are an affront to our freedom to be Christians.

“If the Government thinks that we will accept this law lying down, they are mistaken. This sort of Christophobia from the Government is no longer acceptable.”