Hundreds of Youth Sent to Europe by “Teens in Mission”

Recently, Operation Mobilisation (OM) carried out a series of active evangelical events in Europe. Teen Street 2004, an international youth congress held in Oldenburg, Germany from 31th July to 7th August, attracted over 3,600 youths from all over the world. Now immediately after this event, 145 teens are to be mobilised into the exciting mission experience trip to various European countries.

Teen Street 2004, with the theme “Driving at The Speed of Life”, highlighted God’s purpose in people’s lives - to love God and love people - and inspired participants to serve others with love. “Teens in Mission” (TiM) will be a practical programme for them to take action in real life experiences.

Hundreds of youth will be sent to various European countries from Germany as Teen Street 2004 ends. The “mission field” will include Belgium, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, France and the UK.

TiM experience in the UK will take place in Birmingham from 7th to 19th August. It has been surveyed as one of the most deprived areas of the UK. Many of the children are from broken homes, and the area has high incidences of drug and alcohol abuse. There are an increasing number of people from Somalia, Congo, Zimbabwe, Romania, Iran, Iraq, Kosovo, Albania, etc. seeking asylum. Also unemployment rates and under-achievement at school are high.

The youth will work with a local church which has good relationships with OM’s LUKE (Love United Kingdom Evangelism) training centre. Staff and team members from OM’s LUKE training centre will be helping the youths with training in creative ways to share their faith.

The church emphasises social action, community outreach and global mission (especially in Portugal and Kenya). Therefore, the youths will take charge of leading the kid’s team, youthwork team and neighbourhood action team. By organising all these events, the youths are to share the Gospel with people and show their love in service.