'Hunt: Showdown' news: No release date yet with a lot of tweaking happening

Promotional image for "Hunt: Showdown."

Fans will just have to wait a little more for "Hunt: Showdown's" release.

The video game's Steam Early Access still has no definite release date. Crytek, "Hunt: Showdown's" developer, added they are planning to allow several players to experience the game with an early access pass or through a beta period.

Additionally, Crytek also made the announcement that they will start on closed alpha testing of "Hunt: Showdown" during the winter season. Faith Özbayram, "Hunt's" producer, said that the "Closed alpha will be out first chance to get player feedback, and we are really excited to see how they will interact with the game." She also added that after the initial tests with a small sample set of players, they will be adding more and more game testers to experience the game in each phase.

Özbayram said that this only their first step in creating a close relationship with the video game community and integrating their valued input into the game's development process, and this is something that they are planning on doing for the long haul.

The trailer for "Hunt: Showdown" has also dropped, offering fans the basic concept of the video game which also manages to incorporate some horror themes. While fans are still waiting, it seems that the video will only be on Early Access for about year, while Crytek still works on tweaking it to fit the input of the game testers.

As of press time, there is still no information on when that Early Access period will start, except that it should be coming soon. Crytek did say that they are planning to offer "Hunt: Showdown" at a more affordable price when it becomes available on Early Access and that they will only start to raise the price once they have added all the content they need during its Early Access phase.

Even though there is no information on which console "Hunt: Showdown" will be released, the only confirmation is that there will be a PC version for the fans.