Hurricane Harvey news: Sandra Bullock and other Hollywood stars donate millions to help victims

An evacuee affected by Tropical Storm Harvey takes shelter at the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston, Texas, U.S. August 31, 2017.Reuters/Carlos Barria

With an estimated $40 billion in repairs needed to rebuild the city following the destruction brought by Hurricane Harvey, several Hollywood celebrities took the initiative to donate huge amounts of money and help Houston in the aftermath of the storm.

Considering the city reportedly accumulated 52 inches of rainfall and about 30,000 people are in shelters, the Houston area certainly needs all the help it can get. Recently, Sandra Bullock donated $1 million in aid of those hard-hit by flooding in Texas. The actress wanted to make it known that helping them is an important act for Americans to do — regardless of politics and beliefs.

Elizabeth Penniman, vice president of communications for American Red Cross national headquarters, confirmed in a statement to PEOPLE magazine, "This is an incredible gift. We're so thankful. It's times like this when we do receive such an incredible amount of support. Especially during times of disaster, people see what's happening in Texas and our hearts all go out to them."

She added, "Having someone like Sandra Bullock make this kind of commitment, it helps bring people together and open their hearts and be even more generous." The actress, who is a long-time supporter of the relief organization, is encouraging others to help those devastated by Hurricane Harvey.

Although Texas may be politically polarized, Bullock stated that the disaster should bring all Americans together. She explained to the outlet, "There are no politics in eight feet of water. There are human beings in eight feet of water...We all have to do our part."

Aside from Bullock, other Hollywood celebrities such as Dwayne Johnson ($25,000), Kevin Hart ($50,000), the Kardashians ($500,000), Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez ($50,000), Ellen DeGeneres ($75,000), DJ Khaled ($25,000), Nicki Minaj ($25,000), Chris Young ($100,000), Demi Lovato ($50,000) and more have donated to relief efforts.

Other personalities who donated an unknown amount are Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, J.J. Watt, Drake and Future, among others. Aids and monetary help continue to pour in through different organizations and fundraising activities.