I Dreamt I Stood At Calvary

I dreamt I stood at Calvary
And saw three crosses there;
On left and right were nailed two thieves,
The cross between was bare.

A soldier took his sword in hand,
Then pointed it at me:
He said "You there, prepare to die.
That cross is meant for thee."

I quickly fell upon my knees,
For mercy did I cry;
As strong hands grabbed my hands and feet,
I shouted "Why, oh why?"

And then a voice both soft and sweet
Was heard above the din;
"Let this one go, take me instead.
I'll pay his price for sin."

With His body torn and bleeding
And thorn marks round His head;
With bruises where they beat Him,
He stepped into my stead.

Then Jesus laid upon the cross,
His life did freely give,
That all my sins be washed away
And through His death, I'd live.

He stretched His arms out open wide,
No struggle did He make.
As they prepared to nail Him there
His life they meant to take.

They drove the spikes in hands and feet,
And slammed the cross in place.
His bones were shaken out of joint,
And blood ran down His face.

"Forgive them, Father," was His cry,
They know not what they do
God must have wept when He realized
He sacrificed His only Son for you.

When I awoke, the night had passed
And sunshine flooded in;
I cried "Dear Lord, forgive me please,
And cleanse me of my sin.

For You sent down Your only son,
A ransom for the lost:
And I see You included me,
When counting out the cost.

Yes I dreamt I stood at Calvary
And saw those crosses three;
Yet no longer do I need to fear
Knowing Jesus died for me.

- Author Unknown