'I Have A Dream' - new album from City Harmonic

In less than a year, The City Harmonic has established itself as one of the most distinctive Christian music groups around today.

Following the success of its "Introducing" EP, the group is about to release its first full-length album, I Have A Dream (It Feels Like Home).

The album is out on October 18 from Kingsway and features brand new material, plus a bonus re-mix of breakthrough hit "Manifesto".

It promises a poetic journey through issues like hope in the midst of struggle, apathy and missional living.

“Martin Luther King spoke of an America where people could be equal, he called people to see that there could be a better way,” muses The City Harmonic frontman Elias Dummer as he talks about the inspiration for the single.

“In Revelation 21, God shows John the eventual city of God, the New Jerusalem God creates on earth to bring together Creator and created – a place where things are finally made right and we will no longer need to long for more.

"The human life is lived in between, and we despair to ‘feel at home.’ This song serves to put us in the mindset of what will be.

“Interestingly, we had a woman approach us at a concert not long ago in tears because this song inspired her while dealing with the loss of a close friend

“The song might be about the ‘not yet,’ but it also helped someone to deal with the ‘now'.”