Identity '06 Tour Hits London This Weekend

|PIC1|Identity ’06, a tour aimed to challenge and encourage attendees to discover more about God’s love, will stop-off in London, March 4.

As part of the ARISE initiative, 'The Girls' Brigade England & Wales' and Viz-A-Viz Ministries, the Identity tour will travel around England and Wales over the next few months, offering alternative programmes for Church leaders and Youth workers.

Officially opening at 2:00 p.m., the welcome session will start 2:30 p.m. with a time of worship. The Viz A Viz Ministries team of musicians, actors and speakers will speak on ‘Identity’ and transition the event as it will split into three streams for leaders, young people and children.

Children ranging from 7-11 years old will be provided with “a range of fun, energetic and messy activities,” so that the children can appreciate how they are made in God’s image- unique, special and loved.

|TOP|Young people ranging from 12-18 years old will be led by the band Taste and Envizage Theatre Company, who are both part of Viz-A-Viz Ministries. The entertainers will use music, drama, quizzes and chat to present teaching and activities, which will encourage the young people to think about who they are, where they get their ‘identity’ and the amazing difference that God makes.

Meanwhile, leaders will attend a separate Leaders session to gain confidence in leadership.

“The theme [of the event] is designed to help our members explore angles of their identity – in a fun way – and to discover the relevance of the identity of Jesus Christ,” cites The Girls' Brigade website.