iMac 2015 rumors: Concept iMac mixes old and new

The concept iMac 2015 designed by Curved Labs beside the original Macintosh Lisa.Curved Labs

A concept iMac design was recently released, and it bears the past and future of the Apple device. 

The new design for the alleged iMac 2015 was conceptualized by a group of designers working for Curved Labs. They based their concept design from the old look of Apple computers, and merged it with the slim chic build the devices of the Cupertino tech giant currently possesses. 

The new look of the concept iMac merges the boxy appeal of the original Macintosh Lisa computer and the thin, aluminum-clad body of the iPad. It also looks a little like the famous Apple tablet but it has been installed with a stand, and it somewhat reminds those who see it of the appearance of the MacBook Air. 

In addition, the concept iMac design comes with a touchscreen display. 

"The technological basis for the Curved/labs-Mac are components of a current MacBook Air with an 11-inch screen," a representative from Curved Labs explained. "However, we have transformed it into a touchscreen. You can choose whether to control it via mouse and keyboard or directly type on the 11.6 inch touchscreen." 

It is also reported that the design pays homage to the very first personal computer that was built by Steve Jobs. However, the bulky back that was featured in the original design has been removed to make it look modernized. 

"In the new Macintosh much of the original elements are resumed. However, at the spot located under the screen, where the drive for 3.5 inch disk sat, you will now find a slot for SD cards, the FaceTime camera, speakers and a microphone," the Curved Labs rep said. 

It is also mentioned that the concept iMac will feature other modern specs that were not included in the original Lisa, such as the Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, USB 3.0 port, built-in battery, as well as a Lightning port. 

However, there is no confirmation whether the concept iMac design will be produced for the public anytime soon.