Immigration reform news 2015: Wasserman Schultz blasts Marco Rubio for folding when pressured

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)Wikipedia

Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) pointed out on Monday that Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) may not be completely capable of handling the pressure of being the president. As stated by The Talking Point, this is due to his folding back down when pressured by the right with regard to his championing of the "Gangs of Eight" immigration reform bill. 

"If Marco Rubio couldn't even hack the pressure from the right wing tea party extremists after he embraced and authored and helped push through comprehensive immigration reform in the Senate, a little pressure on him and he folded like a house of cards, how will he hack the presidency?" Schultz stated during an interview with Jose Diaz Balart of MSNBC. 

Schultz continued to berate Rubio, calling him a "prune packaged with some tinsel around it." She stated these comments on the same day that Rubio was expected to announce his candidacy for the upcoming presidential run. 

Rubio began as a strong supporter for the bi-partisan bill which would provide a means for Dreamers —undocumented immigrants who entered the United States as minors — to achieve full U.S. citizenship, reunite deported parents with the rest of their families and children left in the U.S., and streamline immigration while enforcing a 700-mile border fence. 

This received much flak from the extreme right and when the bill failed to pass, Rubio went on a complete 180-degree change and has since focused entirely on increasing border security with no further mention of relief or sanctuary for undocumented immigrants in the country. 

As cited by the IBTimes, Rubio stated back in January that the only way to move forward is to control illegal immigration before tackling how to streamline the country's immigration system. During an appearance on Fox News, as cited by Think Progress, Rubio believed that strengthening border security is the "only way forward."