Incoming European Commission steps back under Homosexual Row

In the midst of the homosexuality debate across the arena of politics in Europe, the upcoming 'European Commission' have announced that they will temporarily withdraw their team until the dispute has been properly resolved. This will result in a delay for the installation of the new commission originally to be set up on 1st November, and would mean that the outgoing commission will have to remain in a caretaker capacity.

The crisis seems to have been provoked by the controversial speech by the designated EU Justice Chief Commissioner Rocco Buttiglione, who openly made the remark that homosexuality was a “sin”. As an outspoken Catholic, Buttiglione’s viewpoint outraged many MEPs.

According to EU law, the MEPs can only reject a team but not a single commissioner, therefore the MEPs have demanded that the incoming commission President, Jose Manuel Barroso make a comprehensive reshuffle of his team, otherwise his entire team will face being rejected. However, Barroso and the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi have re-emphasised their support for Buttiglione.

Barroso explained his decision to temporarily withdraw his team yesterday. He believed that there is a fundamental matter behind the current dispute, and that simply moving out one member of his team would not be a proper solution.

“We have here different political families, not only one,” he said, “It simply could not have been a solution to move one member of the commission - that could have been accepted by some groups in parliament, not others.”

“I need more time to look at this issue further and to consult with you and with the European Council [of ministers] so we can have strong support for the new commission. It is better to take time to get it right.”

“My intention is to change what is necessary and sufficient,” he added. However, the deadline for bringing forth the new line-up of his team was not mentioned.

The senior Vatican Cardinal Renato Martino and Pope John are concerned by the issue from the very beginning. The Vatican regards it as a sign of anti-Catholic “inquisition” in Europe. The worry is expected to be even deepened after the retreat of Barroso’s team.