Incredible Growth in Church Planting in Germany

‘Greater Europe Mission’ recently reported on a huge growth in Church Planting in Germany, even though according to previous figures, evangelical Christians only make up about 3% of Germany’s population. However, Fred McRae of Greater Europe Mission has seen signs of a huge swing in power in the central European country.

"The situation for church planting in Germany has really turned the corner and as a church planter I would say Germany, relatively speaking, compared to where it used to be, is a church planting paradise." said McRae enthusiastically.

He was quick to point out the apparent paradigm shift in church planting in the country which has taken place over the past 15 to 20 years.

"Over 1,000 news churches have been planted in Germany. I myself, along with some German church planters, have planted two churches. We've been involved in training German church planters, and these are lay Christians who have been really spoken to by the Lord to go out and plant churches," said McRae.

What has been noticeable to everyone though is that the amazing growth has been seen by one specific denomination in particular.

"The Germany Evangelical Free Church is the only denomination that's growing right now in Germany and the reason they're growing is they have a specific plan to plant daughter churches," he pointed out.

McRae was quick to emphasise that Germany’s post Christian culture was not the problem - "The problem that I have as a church planting consultant is not the terrible German culture, but to motivate Christians to get involved in this movement that the Lord has brought about."

He called for people to pray a lot more for mission organisations, "Mission organisations are still working in Germany and in Europe the way it was 40 to 50 years ago. And, I'm afraid that the organisations are going to miss the paradigm shift that God has brought about," he said.