'Incredibles 2' sequel will feature different dynamics from first film; grown-up Jack-Jack teased

The Incredibles 2 posterDisney/Pixar

Pixar has shown very little in regard to "Incredibles 2," although a poster for the sequel was showcased a while back. However, just a few months ago director Brad Bird did get to discuss a little bit with IGN regarding the film's plot structure while also teasing which characters may be the focus of the new film.

The one thing Bird emphasized in the interview was that the second film will utilize a different approach in terms of the film's structure and dynamics. This is because the characters, in particular the children, have already grown into their powers and are no longer at the discovery phase they were at back in the original film.

"The one thing that you don't have in this movie that you had in the first one, is that you don't have the family discovering, or rather, the kids discovering their powers," Bird explains. "That's a wonderful thing to have in a movie and you can't have that in this one, they already know, so you have to move the story ahead and say, 'What else can you do?'"

Bird's statements also seem to include the powers of Jack-Jack, who was seen as a baby in the first film. Jack-Jack only unleashed his powers at the film's end, revealing that he did have powers after all, and it is likely that by the second film, he may already have a firm grasp of what he can do.

When asked if the film would see the return of Edna Mode or a grown up Jack-Jack, which is what most rumors point to, Bird only stated that fans will have to wait and see. He explained that in today's world it is difficult to tell the right amount of information because giving too little or too much can ruin the experience for the audience.

"Incredibles 2" is scheduled to release on June 21, 2019.