Indian bride marries guest after groom had a seizure

Photo: Andrey Utzu

When an Indian groom had an epileptic seizure during his wedding day, his bride did something unexpected: she married one of the guests instead.

The Times of India revealed that the woman, named only as Indira, 23 of Rampur was all set to marry Jugal Kishore, 25 of Moradabad. But when Kishore was preparing to garland his bride, something went terribly wrong.

He extended his arms and suddenly had an epileptic fit and fell to the ground. Instead of getting concerned, the bride was reportedly angry that her family was kept in the dark about Kishore's health problems.

As Kishore was rushed to the hospital, Indira announced that she would marry one of the wedding guests instead. She chose Harpal Singh, a member of her brother in law's family, who was only dressed in jeans and a leather jacket. And despite being startled initially, he agreed to her request and the two were wed minutes later.

The wedding took place in the bride's hometown Rampur, which is located in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

Kishore lost consciousness because of the epileptic fit, but after receiving proper treatment, he immediately rushed back to the ceremony, only to be surprised that his bride had already married someone else. He pleaded with her to change her mind, saying that he would be heavily ridiculed by friends and relatives if he went home without a bride. But Indira would not relent.

A brawl reportedly broke out, and people hurled spoons, plates, and dishes at each other, which prompted authorities to detain several people. Surprisingly, things ended well for all those involved since both families "amicably" solved the wedding issue, according to Milak police officer Ram Khiladi Solanksi.

"Since the bride is already married now, what can anyone do? So the families have resolved the matter and the complaint has been withdrawn," he told the BBC.