Insight Day with Waverley on Self-Esteem

Insight Day with Waverley on Self-Esteem

Date: Sat 20th August
Venue: Waverley Abbey House, Farnham, Surrey
Time: 9am - 4.30pm (Registration and refreshments 9-9.30am)
Fee: £35 including lunch and notes

An insight day for those who would like to help themselves or others to recover their self-esteem. To look at what is meant by "self-esteem", how we develop judgements about ourselves and the value we attach to the kind of people we are. Many people have tended to make critical judgment about themselves and thus leads to tone of negativity, which may contaminate many aspects of lives and relationships. These can directly affect Christian lives.

The day will help people to explore ways to develop a healthy self-esteem and will look at the importance of finding the true identity in God, as He is known in and through Jesus Christ. Healthy self-esteem is the assurance of being of value to God, being loveable and loved.

It will be ideal for those involved in pastoral care and counselling, pastors, home group leaders and many other individuals.

Christine Ledger
She has worked for 17 years as a counsellor and supervisor in the NHS and is now in private practice. Working with the spiritual, emotional and psychological, she affirms the whole-person approach. She has spoken in the UK and Europe and is also involved in counselling training in both the secular and Christian fields.

Booking form can be downloaded from the website.

For further details, please email or call 0125 278 4700.