Intel Skylake news: Five new features

[Photo credit: Intel | Facebook]

Intel is building up the hype for its new processor.

Officially tagged as Skylake, the new chipset has some new features that take it leagues away from the old Broadwell and Haswell architecture processors. 

More powerful graphics support

In terms of graphics, the new Skylake architecture brings CPUs more enhanced display support. The new Skylake-run computers will be able to handle 4K display due to the fixed-function support for 4K video processing already integrated in the chipset. As such, newer workstations would be able to function for up to three 4K displays at 60Hz. 

Always-on mode

Those who are familiar with Motorola's Moto X and Microsoft's Xbox One console will find this feature also available for the Skylake processors. Devices that will run with the new chipset will have an always-on mode, and with the integrated digital signal processor in the chip, Skylake will pick up commands based on the user's voice. When hibernating, the owner shouting "Hey Cortana!" or "Cortana, wake up!" will immediately power up the device. 


Especially true to Intel's announced gaming-focused Skylake processors, the new architecture allows CPUs to be built with up to 4 GHz. For example, the new Core i7-6700K which uses Skylake architecture have four cores and eight threads that clock at the highest maximum 4 GHz. 


The new processors are also built with the new EDRAM+, where the chipsets have up to 8 MB of Intel Smart Cache, which would greatly improve performance and faster access to user data. 

Power-saving feature 

The new Skylake processors are also built with a new feature, Speed Shift. This option will improve battery life for the CPU, which in turn will save power for mobile workstations. According to some reports, the new processors will prolong battery life for up to 1.4 hours while also saving up to 30 percent on power consumption.