Interactive Lent reflection gets hundreds talking about meaning of Easter

An interactive Lent reflection has seen hundreds of people post their thoughts on the Easter story on Facebook and Twitter.

More than 1,000 people have signed up to follow Easter(LIVE) on the social networking sites since the initiative was launched by the BibleFresh movement last month.

It asks people “What does Easter mean to you?” and invites them to post their musings for others to read and reflect on.

The reflections range from the thoughtful – “A time when Jesus kept his promise to me and every other human being on the planet” – to the light-hearted – “A hot cross! [No bun intended]”.

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, is among the church leaders backing the initiative. He posted his view: “Remember God’s Son was raised 2new life so that we might live. We are an Easter people & Alleluia is our song.”

Evangelical Alliance General Director Steve Clifford has also got behind the initiative. He tweeted: “Looked like a disaster. Hopes gone, dreadful defeat. But it was the watershed of history, amazing victory, death was beaten.”

Church leaders are being invited to use some of the tweets and messages in their Easter services, while an Easter(LIVE) powerpoint has been made available for use in church services and groups.

Easter(LIVE) is the brainchild of Alistair Johnson, of Cliff College, and Huw Tyler, from Share Creative. It has been put together as part of the Biblefresh movement of churches and agencies launched this year to help Christians regain their confidence in and appetite for the Scriptures.

“I have been amazed at the varying responses to Easter (LIVE), from the creative to the common place. We have seen lots of people engaging with the truth behind the veneer,” said Johnson.

“Easter (LIVE) has brought home the importance of taking some time out, from our busy lives, to remember why Easter is the pinnacle of the life of Jesus.”

Easter (LIVE) will continue throughout the rest of Lent, and can be followed at or on Facebook.