Interfaith component could heal rift over Ground Zero Islamic centre, says board member

The chairwoman of a New York community board has suggested adding an interfaith component to help heal the divide over a proposed Islamic centre close to Ground Zero.

"The mosque and community centre near Ground Zero should not be enshrined as a battleground of discord, but rather be transformed into an inter-faith centre for reconciliation and peace-containing nondenominational houses of worship to be shared by Muslims, Christians and Jews," Julie Menin, chair of Community Board 1, wrote in a commentary Monday in the New York Daily News.

"Its purpose – to bring us closer together, not split us further apart – could be reaffirmed in modified plans."

Menin, who voted in May to support the development of an Islamic cultural centre and mosque two blocks from Ground Zero, acknowledged that the project has become "a symbol of discord and dissidence".

She expressed her desire to see the $100 million project transformed into an interfaith centre for reconciliation and peace as a way of bridging the gap in what has become a national debate.

She suggested that Muslims behind the project dedicate a floor of the 15-story Islamic centre to an interfaith, nondenominational space. The interfaith chapel at the Pentagon, which was also attacked in 2001, was cited as an example of a place of worship that was built on hallowed ground without controversy.

"The project, open to all, would celebrate all faiths and inter-faith understanding," Menin wrote.

The planned community centre at 45-51 Park Place has been promoted as part of an effort to improve Muslim-West relations and to promote tolerance and pluralism. The centre will include fitness facilities, education programmes, meditation rooms and a mosque. Over the last several months, however, the project has drawn fierce opposition, with many families of the nearly 3,000 victims of the 9/11 attacks accusing the developers of the project of insensitivity.

According to a Pew Research Center poll conducted last month, 51 per cent of Americans agree with those who object to a mosque being built near the World Trade Centre and only 34 per cent agree with those who say it should be allowed.

At the same time, a majority of Americans say Muslims should have the same rights as other groups to build houses of worship.

More than a third (35 per cent) of respondents believe the Islamic religion encourages violence more than other religions. Fewer Americans (30 per cent) have a favourable view of Islam compared to five years ago when 41 per cent held a favourable view. A majority (55 per cent), however, say they don't know much or anything at all about the Islamic religion.

This week, American Muslims launched an online ad campaign to fight negative views of their religion.

"A lot of people have been telling you what to think about Muslims. They say you should fear me, suspect me, hate me. But the truth is, I don't want to impose my faith on you. I don't want to take over this country. And I don't want terrorism," Muslims say in the ad.

"I am here and have been here for generations wanting the same thing you do – life, liberty, peace and happiness. I am an American. I am a Muslim. This is my faith. This is my voice."

The ad is a grassroots effort by American Muslims from across the country. It was launched by an independent network that has no affiliation to any one organisation or school of thought, according to the My Faith My Voice website.

Meanwhile, opponents of the mosque near Ground Zero are asking for transparency with regards to the source of funding for the Islamic community centre. Some fear it could be linked to Sharia-compliant organisations. According to The Associated Press, the developers have incorporated a nonprofit organisation, which is required before beginning a capital campaign. The developers also owe $227,570 in back taxes on the building where the centre will be built.