Inter-faith Conference to Discuss Religious Identities

Prominent figures from across the faith spectrum will meet this weekend in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the potential “for better or for worse” of religious identity in society today.

|TOP|The inter-religious weekend will run under the title “My Neighbour’s Faith and Mine. Religious identities: For better or for worse?”.

An Inter-religious Platform statement read: “Over the centuries, fragile bridges have been built between different religious traditions in the world. In recent decades, a more systematic dialogue has developed, showing a genuine interest in the rich diversity of those religions.

“Now, however, at the start of the 21st Century, not least because of the political, economic, social and cultural changes affecting the world, many voices are speaking out against religions and their excesses.”

|AD|The statement added: “This makes it all the more important for us to make progress towards a better mutual understanding of our respective spiritual and religious approaches.”

Around 100 young Christians from throughout Europe and the Middle East will gather at the event to listen to presentations from key religious figures, including Ruth Dreifuss, former vice chair of the Federal Council, and former president of the Swiss Confederation.

Dreifuss will join Protestant pastor and founder of the Geneva Inter-religious Platform, Jean-Claude Basset, among others, on a public discussion panel at the conference, which runs from Saturday 12 to Monday 14 November.

The event will also feature a youth interfaith forum bringing together young people, religious leaders and experts in interfaith dialogue, with a number of workshops being run on youth spirituality and the spiritual in a plural world, among other topics.

The weekend has been jointly organised by the Geneva Inter-religious Platform and the World Council of Churches.