Interfaith Summit on Africa to Tackle Development, HIV/AIDS

|TOP|Faith leaders from across Africa are in Washington DC this week to meet leading US and international religious leaders as well as experts on Africa to develop ways of tackling some of the continent’s most pressing issues.

More than 50 faith leaders from 21 African countries will meet on Capitol Hill for breakfast briefings on key topics before a number of keynote luncheons and working dialogue sessions take place.

One focus issue for the summit will be the HIV/AIDS pandemic while interfaith summit delegates will present a briefing on development on the continent entitled "The Role of African Faith-Based Organisations in Social and Economic Development".

|AD|Delegates will also hear a Human Rights Caucus briefing as well as explore innovative and faith-based approaches to water resources, hunger and food security and malaria, small arms trafficking, durable solutions for displaced people, Africa¹s children, sustainable economic development, the status of women, and faith-based solutions to social issues.

The African delegates will also take part in a congressional reception together with the US summit participants.

The summit will run from Tuesday 18 July to Friday 21 July 2006 and is organised by the Church World Service non-profit organisation.

Delegates at the summit include the Rt Rev. Dr. Nyansako-ni-Nku, President, All Africa Conference of Churches, Archbishop Njongokulu Ndungane, Anglican Province of Southern Africa, Rev. John L. McCullough, Executive Director and CEO, Church World Service, and Rev. Dr. Mvume Dandala, General Secretary, All Africa Conference of Churches.