International Bible Society Reaching Out to Poor in Argentina

The International Bible Society (IBS) has recently made several outreaches in Latin American countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and especially Argentina, where millions live below the poverty level, and hundreds of thousands cannot afford to buy Christian literature.

Around 40 million children live on the streets in horrible conditions, and they are led into lives of crime and drug addiction to escape the horror of their daily reality. The IBS, however, wants to share the love of Christ and reach out to up at least 100,000 children and minister in affiliation with organisations that provide street children shelter, food and loving care.

In order to reach the evangelical goal of sharing the word of God with all people to become a disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His body, the IBS was founded in New York City in 1809. It carries out ministries in more than 50 countries around the world and is also in partnership with Wycliffe Bible Translators/Summer Institute of Linguistics, which has published Scriptures in more than 600 languages globally.

The IBS also distributes materials such as pocket-sized Bibles, Tell Me the Story of Jesus booklet, God's Big Story booklet and The Story of Jesus illustrated children's Bible to bring the gospel of Christ even to people living in poverty.

As the IBS is also planning to organise many training programs for Argentina this year, a beautiful testimony is being written that even poverty won't keep the gospel from spreading in Argentina and Latin America.