International Mission Board Request Pray for India

As every year on Pentecost Sunday, the Southern Baptist-International Mission Board (IMB), will devote a day of prayer for souls that have not heard about the good news of the Gospel and salvation through Jesus Christ in India - a country where one-sixth of the world's population lives.

The International Mission Board is an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention, and aims to present the gospel to lead individuals towards faith, and attempts to initiate a church planting movement among all the people of the world.

Claiming more than 40,000 churches with nearly 16 million members, the Southern Baptist denomination, has expressed its wish to carry the light of Jesus out to the spiritual darkness across the globe.

Besides being home to a Hindu and Muslim majority, India is a great and huge mission field, having more than 600,000 unreached villages and is in a very strategic positioning to fulfil the great commission. It's size and diversity is one of the reasons why IMB is focusing on this country with prayer.

Southern Baptists are requesting and encouraging people to set aside a meal or pray strongly for India for the upcoming Pentecost Sunday on 15 May.