Interview: Paul Leverett from Electralyte

|PIC1|Emerging Christian rock band Electralyte recently released their new album BREAKOUT. Christian Today had the privilege to watch them rock the stage at the Watford Colosseum in February, where they performed songs from the new album for the first time.

After their performance, front man Matt Leeder told Christian Today, “It is amazing to see [the congregation] worshipping like that, and it’s an amazing privilege to lead these guys in worship.”

Bass player Paul Leverett aka Dr Levski added, “We want to see more people get to know God and push deeper with Him. We hope and pray they take this into their daily lives, and that it's not just a one-hit-wonder for them.”

Here's a full interview with bass player Leverett:

What is the meaning behind the name Electralyte?

We read a definition of an 'Electrolyte' once; it read something like: 'An Electrolyte is a substance that turns into free ions when it is dissolved - which creates a conductor for electricity'. Apparently Electrolytes are the things that give a battery it's charge. You also find Electrolytes in the human body - they flow around our blood stream; without them we wouldn't last long. Reading about Electrolytes conjured up a picture for us of all these little electrolytes - carrying with them life and vibrancy - flowing around the communities we live in, our friends and our families; bringing life. We thought that as Christians this was a really helpful way to describe what we're all about. So, a little spelling tweak (to ensure people can find us on Google nice and quickly) and ELECTRALYTE was born!

Can you explain the process of how the band met?

Sure. We met through a series of other meetings! Matt (Lead Vox, Guitar) and Paul (BVs, Bass) met whilst sessioning for another band. It was through this chance meeting that Paul was able to introduce his mate Jon to Matt. We all got together and decided we liked each enough to form a band and live in each other's pockets for the foreseable future. So after quitting our main jobs and moving house (so we were even closer together!) we became what we are today!

How did the title of the new album BREAKOUT get decided?

When it came to deciphering what the overall theme of 'the album' was we soon realised that a lot of the songs had similar thematic strains in their lyrics... Two of our songs are called 'HOPE' & 'FREEDOM' and lines from other songs encourage us to hold on to the truth of God whilst breaking out and doing something new. Out of this the title track 'BREAKOUT' started to emerge as an outline for the whole perspective of the album. It defines what we're trying to say and do and the lives we're trying to live throughout this whole thing.

When do you all feel the greatest fulfilment as Christian artists?

We believe it's important to realise that a Christian artist and a secular artist have almost everything in common with each other. Let's be honest; all artists (including those who are Christians) experience a huge sense of fulfillment when they know that other people are really enjoying their art; a sense which grows even more when people really grasp something of that which you're trying to portray. The difference which a Christian artist enjoys is the knowledge of where this creativity, which all artists tap into, actually comes from. As Christians we know everything we have done, that which we are creating now and that which we will do is ultimately because of one thing... 'In the beginning...God'. He is the foundation of it all. A great Christian artist remembers all of the above; that way, when it comes down to it, all the praise which they receive for their 'works of art' can immediately, humbly and steadfastly be placed at the foot of God in recognition of who He is and what He has done for us. That's our greatest fulfillment.

Do you have plans on reaching out to regions beyond the UK?

Well, watch this space...! We’d love to go wherever our music and God takes us, although we need to be careful about staying true to our family and friends here in the UK. We’ve got a few possible opportunities opening up to go around Europe with the album, particularly to some of the summer festivals, but we’ll have to wait and see. We’re also looking at going to work with Paul Oakley as he visits the Far East later in the Autumn, and also Berlin just after the World Cup. There’s a massive worship festival being held on the same turf as the World Cup Final, 6 days afterwards, organised by Noel Richards, who’s looking to fill stadiums with worshippers for God! That should be an amazing time...

Great! So where can we find more Information on future Electralyte gigs?

For up to date info on our diary, as well as pictures, music and a regular blog spot - please check our website Thanks!