Inverness Church Launches ‘Church for £1’ Appeal

|PIC1|A church in Inverness has launched a special appeal urging Christians across Scotland to donate just £1 each toward a new Christian complex to be completed next month.

Holm Evangelical Church is challenging Christians to “build a church for £1” by donating at least that amount to the brand new £1.3 million Culduthel Christian Centre scheduled for completion in March, reports Aberdeen Press and Journal.

The organisers behind the project aim to show just how much can be achieved when a lot of people all get together and give just a little of what they have, pointing out that the mortgage of the new centre could be paid off right away if every Christian in Scotland were to donate just £1.

The new Christian centre is located right at the heart of extensive new housing developments in Inverness and lies on the southern perimeter of the Highland town, near to the communities of Holm, Culduthel and Lochardil.

The main auditorium of the new complex has enough room to house twice as many people at services as can currently be accommodated in the portable classroom where the congregation currently worships.

|AD|The church leaders are hoping for a nationwide response to the appeal after contacting every Baptist Church in the country as well as other churches.

Members and their friends are being encouraged to donate just £1 or to hold special collections for the new centre on Sunday March 5.

James Campbell, one of the leaders at Holm Evangelical Church, said expressed the hope that other churches will be inspired to launch similar appeals.

"We're telling the ministers we're writing to that we will be delighted to help them in the same way by encouraging our members each to contribute £1 to any development projects they are undertaking,” he said.

“'Build a church for £1' is about Christians across Scotland working together to build the church across Scotland.”

In addition to church services and activities, church leaders at Holm Evangelical plan to provide a complete Christian service for all aspects of life by providing various activities including Parent and Toddlers activities, Youth Groups, Child Care and Out of School Clubs, Rainbows and Brownies, Coffee Club, Music and Arts Events, Indoor Sports, Training and Conferences.