iOS 10.3 tips, news: How to fix battery drain issue

Users of the Apple iPhone and the iPad may encounter battery issues after installing the iOS 10.3 update.Reuters/Beck Diefenbach

The recent iOS 10.3 update left users annoyed after they realized that this caused their phone batteries to drain much faster compared to before. Fortunately, there are some tricks that can be done to keep this from happening.

According to iTip Box, the first thing that users will need to do is determine which app drains the most battery power. Users can find out by accessing the Battery option in the settings menu. App notifications can also be disabled to save some power. In the same way, users can disable app background refresh to preserve battery life. Most apps are automatically set to send notifications and have background refresh enabled, so users will have to manually change these settings.

iPhone users can also dim their screens or use auto-brightness. Screen brightness contributes a lot to battery drainage, so adjusting this can also help save battery power. Screen brightness is adjusted by accessing the Display and Brightness option in the settings menu.

The site also recommended going on Low Power mode, which is designed to consume less energy compared to the normal settings. This can be activated in the Battery option found in Settings.

IBTimes also has its own set of recommendations to save power. One of which is to switch from dynamic wallpapers to static ones since the former actually contributes to faster battery drain. Wallpapers can be changed by going to the settings menu and choosing the Wallpaper option.

Users may also want to see if they have apps or widgets running in the background. Location services can also be turned off since this also drains battery life. This can be done by going to Location Services, which can be accessed in the Privacy options found in the settings menu. Bluetooth may also be sneakily running in the background. Users should turn this off to save power.

When all else fails, rebooting the handset might just do the trick, as there may be clutter that needs to be cleared out. Wait for a few seconds after the phone turns off before turning it back on again.

These tips can be followed by users until Apple releases a new update that will resolve the battery drain issue.