iOS 11 features, rumors: Improved Siri to be comparable to Google Allo, to compete with Samsung Bixby?

A promo photo for Apple's new iOS 10 operating system that was made known alongside the iPhone 7 last September.Apple

With Apple being consistent of releasing new versions of their iOS, it is expected that iOS 11 will have impressive features, like better Siri and iCloud performance. Recent reports now say that Siri can perform like Google Allo and even Samsung Bixby.

Apple's iOS is the lifeline of all their mobile devices, so it is inevitable for new versions to come out. While there are no new rumors about the upcoming iOS 11, it is believed that it will bring a smarter Siri and a better iCloud and iMessage performance.

The news was sourced from The Verifier (via BGR), and it claims that Siri will be given a major upgrade in iOS 11. According to the report, the virtual assistant will have better power in controlling several Apple devices like Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and iPhone.

Also, the publication wrote that the bot will be integrated into iMessage and iCloud so that both apps will function better than before. While nothing is confirmed yet, it is believed that Siri can penetrate iMessage by copying the functions of Google's own Assistant, Google Allo.

The anticipated bot is said to be ready to answer tough questions, such as those asking for directions and suggestions. Apple has already filed a patent for the feature, so rumors about the upgrade for the AI assistant, which is expected to come with the iOS 11, have been strengthened.

As for how Siri can control iCloud, tech enthusiasts believe that the smart assistant may be able to identify the owner's several devices by using an Apple ID. Siri can reportedly suggest actions across two operating systems like the iOS and MacOS.

It is also expected that the all-new Siri will clash with Samsung's own Bixby. The voice-based bot of the South Korean tech giant is anticipated for what it can do, especially when it comes out with the Galaxy S8.