iOS 8.1.2 update fixes ringtone issue

The latest iOS 8.1.2 update is finally out, and it seems to offer a permanent fix on the ringtone problems that Apple device users faced during their last operating system update.

Apple users who earlier experienced having ringtone problems wherein the stored ringtones suddenly disappeared can now go to the "Restore Tones" page on the menu of their devices so they can have their old ringtones back.

Yet other than the ringtone fix, it seems like there are no improvements in the new iOS update.

According to Gordon Kelly, a device analyst from Forbes, there are more iOS bugs that need to be addressed, but they were not included in the new update.  He deems that other more pressing issues need to be fixed, such a Wi-Fi connectivity, Bluetooth connection problems with car kits and headsets, as well as depletion of battery charge.  He conveyed that addressing ringtone problems ahead of the rest would "no doubt cause anger, regardless of whether it is low hanging fruit."

At the moment, almost 60 percent or Apple device owners chose to update their mobile software to iOS 8, while about 40 percent of them chose to stay with the iOS 7 for different reasons.

The new iOS 8.1.2 update will take about 30 MB of space, which could vary depending on the device that will be updated. It can be downloaded by going to the Settings menu of the device, then go to the General tab and pick the Software Update option. Users need to make sure that the device is connected to Wi-Fi, and it has at least 50 percent battery life.

The update is applicable to all iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus devices.