iOS 9.1 news: first major update for iOS 9 is out

iOS 9.1 jailbreak[photo: Snooky Grawls]

Apple had released its first major update for the newly released iOS 9 platform. The new iOS 9.1 version introduced a host of new changes and improvements to the platform.

Apple fans who always send messages using emojis will be thrilled to notice that the 9.1 iOS version greatly expands the number of little icons that they can use. Some of the new ones already listed among the emojis include taco and burrito images, a champagne bottle, a hockey stick. and a wedge of cheese and a lion.

Meanwhile, gesture emojis also got an upgrade. New gesture images include the rock-on finger gesture, "live long and prosper" popularized by Spock in "Star Trek," and since it was obviously in demand – the middle finger. There were over 150 new emojis to choose from, and all them are listed at Apple fansites like Emojipedia.

In addition to the new emojis, the iOS 9.1 update also brings improvements to some of the platform's features. The Apple News app is now available in the U.K. and Australia. With this, iOS 9.1 users will be able to access a number of British publications as well as U.S. news content right from their homescreens. Live Photos also got an update and can now sense when the user raises or lowers the iPhone, and goes into standby mode to stop recording. For the Messages app, there is now an additional option in the Settings tab that disables photos for contacts.

Meanwhile, the iOS 9.1 update also confirmed that new Apple devices will be coming soon. The update includes feature and compatibility options for the upcoming fourth-gen Apple TV, as well as the iPad Pro.

In addition to the new and improved features, the new iOS version also includes bug fixes that address issues from the previous iOS versions.

The new iOS 9.1 update can be automatically downloaded via an OTA notification. Manually, users can also check their Settings tab for the update.