iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak release date: Tool to be released before August?

The iOS 10 jailbreak won't be out anytime soon but iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak could see the light of day any day now.Reuters/Jonathan Alcorn

Speculations suggest that since iOS 10 is already on the horizon, dev teams are readying to finally release the tools needed for a jailbreak of version 9.3.2.

According to Parent Herald, the new jailbreak version is expected to come out as early as this week, with different teams like PanGu and TaiG working around the clock. Meanwhile, although the teams have yet to confirm a specific release date for the tool, it seems that everything is ready as the jailbreak teams have reportedly moved on to checking out the vulnerabilities of the upcoming iOS 10. Just recently, PanGu itself showcased a demo of a jailbreak of the new iOS version.

Jailbreaking the iOS is much like how rooting works for Android, so the tools and the files are popular to Apple users. With an iOS jailbreak, Apple restrictions are lifted forcefully, so users can customize their Apple devices up to a point, like installing third-party apps, accessing the root file system to disable bloatware and customize the iOS interface. This leads users to wait patiently for jailbreak versions to become available before attempting to update to a new iOS version.

A jailbreak for iOS 9.3.2 has been awaited by fans for so long. Reportedly, the teams are having a hard time breaching the recent iOS versions as Apple manages to plug loopholes faster this time. The Cupertino-based company is already implementing its System Integrity Protection (SIP), dubbed as "Rootless," to new iOS versions. This feature has been migrated from last year's macOS, and will reportedly be improved in the upcoming iOS 10 version.

As for jailbreak versions, the last working tools are for the base iOS 9 and the follow-up 9.1. Aside from iOS 9.3.2, even the previous iOS 9.2 versions have yet to have their working jailbreak, although some third-party developers have announced that they successfully breached these versions.