iOS 9 news: Users complain about issues after upgrade

Apple devices running on iOS

It has been barely a week after Apple released its newest mobile platform iOS 9. The new update brought different performance fixes like longer battery life – a feature many Apple fans have long been wishing for – and a host of new features and options for Apple mobile devices. However, with the improvements and fixes came upgrade concerns. Users who updated their iPads and iPhones early reported numerous issues that plagued their devices after switching over to the new iOS 9 platform.

In a report by industry observer CNET, issues and concerns that plagued Apple users were listed, ranging from simple spotty update downloads, to more serious app crashes after the iOS 9 update. Apple fans also took to different social media platforms such as Twitter to voice out their concerns. According to one user's tweet, the new platform had some great features such as longer battery life, giving users an extra hour or two, but cautioned fellow Apple mobile device users that "you'll regret it when it starts getting laggy and crashing."

Early upgrade problems for the new iOS 9 seem reminiscent of the concerns raised by Apple users back when the iOS 8 platform was launched last year. Eventually, Apple got rid of the bugs with numerous updates to the iOS version, and it will most likely be the case with iOS 9.

Analysts told Reuters that one factor that may figure in early upgrade concerns, particularly for users who experienced spotty update downloads or the upgrade failing altogether, is the number of users who are trying to update to iOS 9 at that particular time.

Bob O'Donnell of Techanalysis Research noted, "It's like the Black Friday thing; some websites get creamed on the traffic on Black Friday."

Meanwhile, Apple remains silent on the issue.