iOS 9.1 and 9.2 jailbreak before 2015 ends?

[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/myjailbreakmovies]

While Apple is already hard at work testing out a new iOS 9 update by releasing a beta version, some fans are still waiting for the latest iOS 9.1 and 9.2 jailbreaks to make it to their Apple mobile devices.

According to the newest speculations, Apple jailbreak fans will not have that long to wait as the year may end with jailbreak versions of the newest iOS versions already out.

According to NeuroGadget, jailbreak development team PanGu, fresh from the release of the jailbreak version that was based off the iOS 9 base build, is already hard at work developing the next jailbreak versions for 9.1 and 9.2. It seems that the team is close to their endgame, as the website reported that fans may expect PanGu to release the two new jailbreaks before the end of the year.

An indication that the new releases are close at hand, NeuroGadget added, is that there is already a semi-jailbreak tool for the iOS 9.1 available on the PanGu website.

Meanwhile, Latin Post warned that the semi-permanent jailbreak version for iOS 9.1, since not fully functional, may do more harm than good for jailbreak lovers. Also, the official Apple version for the iOS 9.1 has been integrated with a downgrade disable function, meaning that users who have already updated their devices to the official iOS 9.1 version should not attempt to use the semi-final jailbreak 9.1 and instead wait for either the full version of a 9.1 iOS jailbreak, or the much newer iOS 9.2 jailbreak version.

Apple keeps on patching up its official iOS releases with security updates that make it harder for jailbreak development teams to beat. Starting with iOS 8, Apple has consistently updated its official iOS versions, and security updates have become more robust that some iOS versions have stayed official, with no jailbreak versions.