iPad Air 3 release date rumors: Tablet may never be made

Apple is rumored to be ditching the iPad Air 3.Creative Commons

With the release of the iPad Pro and the iPad Pro mini, some users are worried that the iPad Air 3 was scrapped by Apple, assuming they ever planned to release one.

When Apple released a smaller version of the iPad Pro with the same size as the iPad Air units, some believed this spelled the doom of the tablet line.

It was believed that the iPad Pro will be replacing the iPad Air and that Apple silently abandoned the said tablet line by releasing the iPad Pro.

Despite Apple's silence about the release of the iPad Air 3, there remains a considerable amount of reports regarding its launch. According to reports, the iPad Air family was not cancelled, but is only being revamped by Apple.

Some rumors have it that it will be released this September. This means that the tablet will be released alongside the iPhone 7, which is expected to be unveiled on the said month as well. There are also reports that Apple will lift the veil off the iPad Air 3 on October.

Apple will reportedly continue the October release pattern for the iPad Air. The first one was released Oct. 22, 2013 while the iPad Air 2 was launched Oct. 16, 2014.

However, it can be noted that there was no October event held last year. It is on that event that the iPad mini 5 was also expected to be released.

It is now believed that Apple will no longer hold launch events in the month of October and just squeeze all product announcements in its September event.

That being said, if the Cupertino-based tech giant still plans to release the iPad Air 3, users will see it in the flesh as early as September. It is even believed to be released alongside the iPad mini 5.