iPad Pro 2015 specs and features: Pros and cons of the new iPad

iPad ProApple official website

Apple will be releasing its new flagship for the company's tablet lineup, the iPad Pro. Being touted as a professional-level alternative to laptops and hybrid tablet workhorses, what are the advantages and disadvantages of Apple's new larger iPad alternative?


Observers like MacWorld UK list the larger display as one of the key advantages of the iPad Pro. Much larger at 12.9 inches, the screen of the new tablet is almost the same as those found in laptops and other workhorse hybrids. This makes working on the iPad Pro almost the same as working on other, more regular mobile workstations. In addition, Apple used a Retina Ultra screen, meaning the iPad Pro is capable of displaying 4K resolution.

Meanwhile, the added Apple Pencil functionality will also come in handy. It can be used as an integrated interface for a more convenient navigation through the tablet's features. In addition, the tech behind the pen is also advanced enough that graphics professionals (who seem to be some of the target markets of the iPad Pro) will find the device a performance-driven workhorse.

Of course, since the iPad Pro is a recent addition, the new features and improved specs of the device are also advantages for the tablet. Apple used the newer A9X chipset for the Pro, as well as integrating its newest platform, iOS 9. Other new features include larger battery capacity, and USB Type-C connectivity.


Even if the iPad Pro is a new addition and seems to be a much improved version of the iPad lineup, some observers still find the device lacking in some aspects.

According to some fans who were asked on Quora, being a novelty Apple product has its drawbacks. Since the iPad Pro is the first of its kind in the lineup, the price tag for the device is apparently too high, considering that there are alternatives in the market with the same configurations. In addition, since the iPad Pro is an introductory device for the iOS 9, the working platform is still in its tablet form. Professional work may not that be convenient, as the tablet environment lacks some features such as a file manager and other desktop productivity apps.