iPad Pro vs. Surface Pro 4: How Apple and Microsofts's latest releases compare to one another

iPad ProApple official website
Microsoft Surface Pro 4Microsoft official website

With both the iPad Pro and the Surface Pro 4 now available, it's worth taking a look to see which of the two may be superior to the other, and the best way to do that is to learn more about the specs and features of both devices.

Starting off with the processors of the two devices, the iPad Pro features Apple's A9X chipset together with a dual-core central processing unit (CPU), while Microsoft's offering features Intel's sixth generation Skylake set to help with its performance.

Moving on to the memory offerings of both tablets, Apple's iPad Pro provides potential buyers with two options to choose from, with one equipped with 32 GB of internal storage and the other model quadrupling that at 128 GB. The iPad Pro does not accommodate microSD cards, so the internal storage cannot be expanded. It also offers 4 GB of RAM.

Microsoft's Surface Pro 4 has a more diverse array of offerings in terms of internal storage capacities, starting from 128 GB and going all the way up to 1 TB. Microsoft's tablet also offers variety in terms of its RAM, as it ranges from 4 GB all the way up to 16 GB, according to PC Advisor UK.

The two tablets also differ in terms of their display sizes. The Surface Pro 4 provides a spacious display area at 12.3 inches, although that is outdone by the iPad Pro 4's 12.9 inch screen.

When it comes to cameras, Apple's iPad Pro is equipped with an eight-megapixel main shooter, while its secondary offering grants users additional 1.2 megapixels, according to GSM Arena

The Surface Pro 4 also be features an eight-megapixel main camera, although it's secondary shooter provides more megapixels at five, according to NDTV.

The iPad Pro is bundled together with the iOS 9, although users will already be able to upgrade to the 9.1 update. Microsoft's Surface Pro 4 is, of course, shipped together with the Windows 10 operating system.