iPhone 5 battery replacement program extended: Is your iPhone eligible?

The iPhone 5 has not exactly been the phone that many could count on, especially with a unit that runs out of power fast. Batteries were seen as a weak feature and to address the problem, Apple had issued a battery replacement program last year to help out iPhone 5 owners.

The program is not actually something that many are aware off and perhaps this is the reason why Apple has extended the battery replacement program until January, 2016. Originally, the program was supposed to end this coming March 15, 2015.

Hence iPhone 5 owners who are affected by fast draining or bad batteries still have time to replace presumably defective batteries with Apple.

A requirement though is that Apple would replace batteries of phones which were purchased not more than two years ago. But with the extension, it seems that folks who have heard of this program just now will have a chance to exchange their batteries which can hopefully show better performance as far as stocking up power for device use is concerned.

Current iPhone 5 users may have been aware that their units do run out of juice fast. Some may have done the necessary tweaks to adjust but for the ones who are curious on whether they are among the affected, you can key in your device's serial number here and see if you are entitled for a battery replacement.