iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus Moscase all-utility case currently running on Kickstarter

Moscase Kickstarter page

Most cases available for smartphones are made of hard plastic that serve as protection, to some extent, against water, dust, and the wear and tear of everyday use. However, with the upgrades in today's smartphone technology, most devices are now strengthened and the chassis built to last for a long time. 

Enter Moscase, touted as a smartcase for the smartphone. It protects the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and also serves as a fitness tracker for health-conscious iPhone users. The case comes in two parts, the bumper case and the backplate.

The bumper case has an embedded technology that senses a user's pulse, temperature, and body index. Made for health buffs, the "passive" Moscase has an optical sensor that measures the heart rate and oxygen saturation of a user, and is very handy when doing exercises. Meanwhile, it also houses a heat sensor that tells a user their body temperature at the moment. Perhaps the most intriguing part of the case is the impedance sensor, which iPhone customers can use to gauge body fat percentage, and even measure stress levels. 

The Moscase also comes with different "active" backplates that attaches additional functions to the smartphone. For example, there is the Collector backplate, with solar cells attached that can extend the phone's battery life. There is also the Booster, an extra battery for emergencies that also comes with additional storage memory. The Reader backplate, on the other hand, has an e-ink paper display to minimize the phone's power consumption when reading online posts, e-books, and other notifications. 

Currently being funded as a Kickstarter campaign, the project by a Hungarian company aims to raise at least $150,000 to start production. And as with any Kickstarter campaign, the Moscase project offers different rewards for each range of pledges. Incentives include free shirts and a complete Moscase package for the VIP pledgers.