iPhone 6 Plus camera: Some models take blurry photos

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 PlusApple

Some iPhone 6 Plus models apparently have flawed cameras.

Due to the flawed components of the cameras, the pictures they are able to produce are less than desirable and even appear to be blurry.

Apple has said that the flaws are found in only a "small percentage" of the iPhone 6 Plus models they have already put on sale. According to CNet, the affected models were reportedly sold from September of last year up to January of this year.

Apple has also specified by saying that the flawed camera in question on the iPhone 6 Plus is the iSight camera that is located on the back of the device.

The good news for users who unfortunately ended up with the faulty iPhone 6 Plus models is that Apple is currently offering to replace their malfunctioning cameras free of charge.

Owners of iPhone 6 Plus devices that are equipped with the flawed cameras can head over to authorized Apple service providers, Apple stores or technical support centers to complete the swaps, according to CNN Money. Apple has also noted that wireless carrier partners will not be participating in this program, so owners can now go to them in the hopes of securing a replacement.

For people wondering if their own iPhone 6 Plus is eligible to have its camera swapped out, they can head on over to a web site Apple has specially set up to address their concerns. Once there, owners can simply input the serial number found on their iPhone 6 Plus and see if it is indeed listed as a unit that is eligible for a camera swap.

For those who may not know where the serial number of their iPhone 6 Plus is, they will be able to find it either on the original box of the device or they can also look it up on iTunes.