iPhone 6 Plus vs Samsung Galaxy Note 3 comparison: Putting Flex to the test

Since the iPhone 6 was released, phone owners notice that the iPhone 6 slightly bends when placed inside the pocket. True enough, a week later from the release of the new smartphone, Apple confirmed that the bending is actually a feature of the iPhone 6 called the Flex. Since it's made of aluminum, a malleable metal, the phone can bend according to a person's preference.

It's suprising, for the most part. A phone that can bend is quite a ridiculous thought. After all, who would want to use a bent phone? Well, unless an owner can return it to its original state afterwards, then that's a different story.

A consumer posted a remark in MacRumors, saying, "Yesterday, I left at 10am with the iPhone in my left FRONT pocket of my suit pants. I drove 4 hours to a wedding, which also involved a lot of sitting during dinner etc but also 2-3 hours of dancing. I left at 2am and went to bed, driving home 4 hours back. So in total, the 6 Plus was about 18 hours in my pocket while sitting mostly. As I lay it on the coffee table and sat down on the couch to relax from the drive (yes, sitting again), I saw the reflection of the window in the iPhones slightly distorted."

Unbox Therapy in YouTube took it upon itself to do a review on the bending mechanism of the iPhone 6. In the bend test, Lewis Hilsenteger used the iPhone 6 Plus. Later on, he compared the bending mechanism of the iPhone 6 to that of Samsung's Note 3. The results are very shocking.

Hilsenteger's first video showed him trying to bend the iPhone 6 plus. After putting much effort, the iPhone 6 did bend. He also said that it can be expected from a phone that is made of aluminum.

In his follow-up video, Hilsenteger put the same amount of pressure on the Samsung Note 3, which is made of plastic.  The Note 3 bent a little.

What's surprising is, the Note 3 returned to its original form without physical damage. On the other hand, the iPhone 6 Plus warped, couldn't go back to the original form, and its screen even got damaged.

Clearly, both passed the bending test with flying colors, just in different aspects. Apple's iPhone 6 easily bent, while Samsung's Note 3 bent and proved to be more durable. Is this feature really something people should consider when buying their phones? It boils down to personal preference then.