iPhone 6: Storage lawsuit filed against Apple for misrepresented storage space

Apple's new year is off to a bad start as a couple of iPhone users sued the tech giant for misrepresenting the storage space for their 16 GB devices.

The complainants, Christopher Endara and Paul Orshan, both from Florida, filed the lawsuit on Dec. 29, just a few days before the end of 2014. According to them, the Cupertino-based company is doing "unfair, unlawful, and fraudulent business acts or practices" such as inaccurate advertising. 

Based on Endara's and Orshan's legal teams, Apple did not declare that about a fifth or roughly 18 percent of the 16 GB storage space of their low-end iPhones and iPads would be filled by their iOS mobile system as well as their pre-installed apps. It means that there is less amount of free space for the users to enjoy in their devices.

According to the complaint, "Reasonable consumers do not expect this marked discrepancy between the advertised level of capacity and the available capacity of the devices, as the operating system and other storage space unavailable to consumers occupies an extraordinary percentage of their devices' limited storage capacity."

The men are also requesting a federal judge in California to make their lawsuit as a class action lawsuit so that those who want to join them can do so. 

It is commonly known that Apple stands by its decision to let their own mobile operating system use a lot of space in their devices. Nowadays, cloud technology allows more people to back up their contents like photos and videos online, which means that they can save their files over-the-air without worrying if their storage capacity would reach its limits.

This is not the first time that Apple faced a storage space lawsuit. Back in 2007, a complained was filed against the iPod Nano because several complainants were disappointed that the operating system of the device took away a huge chunk of its storage space.