iPhone 6s release date: German carriers to launch handset by Sept. 18?

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, the most recent releases from AppleApple

Two out of three major mobile carriers in Germany are reportedly preparing to launch the iPhone 6s (or iPhone 7) by Sept. 18, states German news site Macerkopf. According to MacRumors, this would fit in with the fall release date Apple has thus followed for all previous iPhone releases. 

A previous report from BuzzFeed stated that iPhone pre-orders would become available by Sept. 9 and Apple will then release the device the following Friday of the next week. This estimate fits in perfectly with the launch date proposed by the German mobile carriers; it is not clear, however, if this release window will be the same for North America. 

The original iPhone 6 was unveiled on Sept. 9, 2014 and Apple began accepting pre-orders a few days later. The device officially became available for purchase on Sept. 16 last year. According to the report, it appears as if Apple will follow the exact same release schedule with the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. 

As for iOS 9, which will be the latest mobile OS from Apple, it is reportedly going to be released a few days prior to the official launch of the iPhone 6s. This places its public launch between Sept. 9 and Sept. 18. MacRumors states that an official launch for iOS 9 is most likely to fall on Sept. 16. 

It is not clear at this point if Apple is going to call their new devices the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus or if they will jump directly to the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. 

The upcoming iPhones are expected to utilize A9 processors, 2 GB RAM, implementation of Force Touch, and also rumored to come with a 3D camera. The devices are also expected to be slightly thicker due to the addition of Force Touch and some structural improvements to prevent the phones from bending.