iPhone 6s release date, specs: device rumored to have a September 8 release date

Appleā€™s official website

The past few months have seen several rumors surrounding Apple's flagship smartphone duo, iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, but these rumors were only concerned with the devices' hardware configurations. Now, thanks to Mobile News Cwp, iPhone 6s has finally received a release date, which is going to be Sep. 8. Originally, the release date of the 4.7 inch screen sized smartphone was supposed to be Sep. 25, but sources have stated that the upcoming handset is going to be unveiled sooner rather than later.

Pre-orders of iPhone 6s will begin from Sep. 8, while the shipping date is going to be Sep. 25. As for the hardware specifications, GSMArena reports that both iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus are going to be the first smartphones released by Apple to feature a powerful 12 MP rear camera sensor. Additionally, it has been known for quite some time that the mobile chipset present inside both handsets is going to be Apple A9, which is currently being manufactured under Samsung's 14 nm FinFET process.

iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus will be running iOS 9, which is going to be showcased during WWDC 2015. The primary difference iOS 9 and iOS 8 is that software developers will be more focused on performance enhancements and bug fixes rather than incorporating a bundle of unique features like they did with iOS 8. Moving on, both handsets are also expected to be running 2 GB of LPDDR4 RAM, and a much denser resolution compared to the current flagship duo, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

Apple has invested approximately $1.7 billion USD in JDI for mass production of displays for its upcoming iPhones, meaning that the company will most likely be raising the bar when both resolution and display quality are taken in to account. It is possible that more information concerning iPhone 6s is going to be unveiled during WWDC 2015, but confirmation of this can only be given once the event kicks off in a couple of days.