iPhone 7 release date, specs rumors: Next iPhone 7 and 7 Plus to have 3 GB RAM?

The 6s and 6s Plus, the current iterations for the iPhone lineup.Apple

In addition to rumors of Apple thinking of releasing the next iPhone lineups much earlier than expected, other speculations are also coming to light that would delight fans of the device.

According to the rumor mill, some observers are saying that the next iPhone could also carry at least 3 GB of RAM. This would be a big upgrade over the memory of the current iPhone 6, 6s, and 6s Plus.

According to Apple Insider, a research report by an analyst points out that the next iPhone 7 Plus could well carry at least 3 GB of RAM. In addition, the plus-sized iPhone may also feature a new, cutting-edge A10 chip.

The website managed to find a copy of the research report by KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. In the report, Kuo also mentions that aside from the iPhone 7 Plus, the base model iPhone 7 will have at least 2 GB of RAM while also maintaining the same A10 chipset architecture.

Kuo also predicts that aside from the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus models, Apple will also come out with a 4-inch iPhone. It will be designed much like an upgraded iPhone 5s but will not carry premium features. Kuo said that to differentiate the new iPhone from the next-gen models, the smaller device will run on an A9X processor.

Meanwhile, since Apple still has to come out with official details about the next-gen iPhone, speculations run rampant online. According to IBTimes, aside from the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus running with upgraded specs, Apple will also change the design and form factors for the next iPhones. The website listed the next iPhone to come out as the thinnest among the lineups, with a thickness of only between 6 to 6.5 mm. Because of the change in dimensions, Apple will also reportedly change some features of the device, such as the next iPhone having a flatter D-shaped headphone plug rather than the more conventional round jack.