iPhone 7, iPhone 6s specs rumors: Force Touch display to be featured

iPhone 6[Photo credit: Apple]

It seems that earlier reports about the next iPhone adapting Force Touch technology is slowly becoming confirmed. 

As early as May, some Apple observers have speculated that the upcoming iPhone, either to be designated as the iPhone 6s or iPhone 7, will have Force Touch technology as one of its new features. Indeed, according to Apple fan site 9to5Mac, it could be concluded that the next Apple smartphone will be adapting the technology since the Cupertino-based company is designing the new platform, iOS 9, to be Force Touch-ready, integrating the feature into the system and even helping developers integrate Force Touch into App Store apps. A report from news site The Wall Street Journal also lists the new iPhones to include Force Touch display. 

Apple first introduced Force Touch as an interface feature for its Apple Watch. The technology adds a new dimension to user control and interface to the device, integrating both tab controls and haptic feedback. For example, by using a combination of soft and hard presses on the display, users will be able to use Force Touch to instantaneously drop pins on Maps, instead of scrolling through numerous interaction options.

Also, since the upcoming iPhone is not expected to have that much of an upgrade in terms of design and performance aside from Force Touch tech, observers say that the new iPhone would be the 6s, and that a major upgrade for an iPhone 7 can be expected to come out by next year. 

Aside from Force Touch display, The WSJ article also cites sources as saying that there would be an additional color to the upcoming lineup, which would give fans another choice aside from the staple grey, gold, and silver options. 

The new iPhone with Force Touch display is expected to be unveiled in the latter part of the year.