iPhone 7 specs, features and rumored release date: Apple allegedly enlists Intel for flagship

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Apple has always stuck with its Qualcomm LTE modem chips for its iPhones but this could change next year. Rumor has it that the iPhone 7, which is deemed to be the Cupertino-based company's next flagship, will come with a chipset from Intel.

According to rumors, the renowned semiconductor chip maker already has 1000 employees setting up the 7360 LTE modem, which will start shipping before the year ends, for the next-gen iPhone. However, Intel won't be the only one to provide modem chips for the massive production volume.

Apparently, Apple will still source Qualcomm for LTE modem chips. In fact, as per Venture Beat, all iPhone modems have the 9X45 LTE chip from the company. This practically seals the deal between Qualcomm and Apple for the iPhone 7.

On the other hand, the aforementioned publication believes that the Cupertino tech firm is yet to make its partnership official with Intel, but Apple would soon if Intel continues to successfully provide what the massive and demanding client requested for the project.

And Intel is apparently dogged to sign that deal with Apple as the Santa Clara-headquartered manufacturer sees this as an opportunity to capture the mobile market again. This is allegedly the reason behind the enormous workforce it sent in for the iPhone 7 project.

While the collaboration remains up in the air, there are already reports that Apple maybe enlisting the very same Intel-made LTE modem chip for an ultra-powerful SOC or system-on-a-chip that will harness both its power and that of Apple's very own Ax processor as well.

A source told Venture Beat that this SOC will be under the Apple name. The iPhone maker will design it but it will accredit the LTE modem to Intel. It remains to be seen when this chipset will be of use. At the moment, Apple signed up Samsung and TMSC for the A9 processor to be used in the iPhone 7.