iPhone 7 release date, specs rumors: Mirror Tilt Actuation Camera feature?

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There is simply no telling whether the next iPhone would be the iPhone 6S or a jump to the iPhone 7 but this early, either of the two could carry a new feature and it involves the phone camera.

There is no doubt that the iPhone is one of the phones with perhaps the best camera in tow and Apple may just improve that with a new patented application called Mirror Tilt Actuation.

The new feature should bring better image stabilization and provide users better snapping when on the go. Though current iPhone cameras are equipped with image stabilization features, it is apparent that such has been still falling short.

The new feature will include the use of magnets which will be behind the use of independently moving image sensors and zoom lens.

So this means that the said feature will add new lens assembly and an actuator which should tilt and help out users during movement.

The patent was filed but it remains to be seen if such would be integrated immediately. If an iPhone 6S or iPhone 7 does come out anytime this year, chances are that it may not yet carry the said feature.

Hence, it all remains on the time element. An iPhone 6S coming is said to be coming this month or in April while an iPhone 7 announcement is rumored to be done in the fall.

One thing that is for sure, if this patent does gain ground, it would need some time to be integrated into future iPhones. Regardless, the new feature should be something to watch out for, especially for folks who love to snap pictures through the cameras of their iPhones. Could it make its way into iPads as well?