iPhone 7 rumors, news: Supply chain confirms next iPhone will have no 3.5 mm audio jack

iPhone 5 with Lighting port adapterSnooky Grawls

For those who have been following iPhone 7 rumors, some may have come across that piece where the next iPhone iteration might come out without the traditional 3.5 mm port in order to make the device as thin as possible.

From a standpoint and assuming that some users may not necessarily be using their iPhones to listen to audio, such may not matter.

But for the ones who multitask or prefer to have conversations privately while on the go, such could become a problem.

Then again, they can always resort to the Lightning port, which is pegged to take over. But that would mean new accessories, and getting new accessories means more spending.

The usual Bluetooth connectivity option will, of course, still be around as an alternative for folks who still want to enjoy media via the traditional headsets. All of this will, however, be good news for the Bluetooth-based headphone manufacturers, who are bound to see an increase in sales if such does happen.

For folks who prefer the wired-ways, there is bound to be some kind of Lightning port headphones which would allow users to still utilize traditional headphones.

Word about the iteration of the 3.5 mm audio jack comes from supply chain sources (via Anzhuo), which confirms the earlier claims by Japanese blog site Macotakara that the headphone jacks will be evidently taken out.

With the 3.5 mm audio jack out, the iPhone 7 could very well achieve its thinner make, which could be about 1 mm less than the current iPhone 6s. The thickness is the only thing expected to vary with the screen shape and the radius is likely to remain the same.

A concern, however, comes with battery management of the iPhone 7. Would this alleged iteration not consume as much power and take its toll on the device's battery? What about the charging process? How can folks charge and use a Lightning port at the same time?