iPhone 7 specs rumor: Upcoming iPhone to do away with antenna lines?

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While it is already expected that Apple will come out this year with a number of new additions to their flagship lineups, the spotlight is on one of their moneymakers.

Apparently, most fans and observers are waiting for the next iPhone. Meanwhile, speculations on the iPhone 7 have already floated online, even before the Cupertino-based company comes out with details.

According to The Motley Fool, the iPhone 7 could well be "Apple's most beautiful iPhone yet."

It can be expected that there will be no major changes in the design and form factor of the next iPhone, since the looks of Apple's smartphones have already been a signature one. But the industry follower stated that one detail that may be absent from the iPhone will be the lines on the top and the bottom of the unit.

The lines serve a purpose other than aesthetics, since they are referred to as "antenna lines" and allow RF signals to pass through the metal body of the iPhone. However, with the Apple developers reportedly applying for a patent for an RF-transparent material, the report said that Apple may well incorporate this technology on the next iPhone. This means that the iPhone 7 will have a sleeker, cleaner look, without the antenna lines.

Meanwhile, MacRumors stated that outside of the 3D Touch and Touch ID features, one massive improvement in the iPhone 7 will be in its camera assembly. The industry follower said that the next iPhone might feature a DSLR-like quality of images, with a dual-lens system and image capture custom options.

However, some features of the iPhone will reportedly remain the same. The industry follower said that although it is rumored that Apple is thinking of switching to OLED displays, the timing for the decision might be a little too late for the iPhone 7, and the new smartphone will release with the same TFT LCD technology from the previous iterations.