iPhone 8 vs iPhone X specs, price reviews: Why it might be better to buy the iPhone 8

An iPhone 8 (L) and an iPhone 8 Plus are displayed during a launch event in Cupertino, California, U.S. September 12, 2017.REUTERS/Stephen Lam

Juggernaut tech company Apple decided to break the trend by releasing a 10th year anniversary iPhone, the iPhone X, along with the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. There may be some differences between the phones but how big are these differences if analyzed for its price?

According to Independent U.K., they gave a whole list of reasons why people should purchase the iPhone 8 over the iPhone X. One of them is that all of the three new hand held devices run on the exact same processor, which is the A11 Bionic Chip, and the M11 motion co-processor. This means that in terms of power, efficiency, and capacity, there is not much difference between the three new phones by Apple.

The only real difference between the two variants of the iPhone 8 and the iPhone X, is the Face Identification feature of the latter, which promises to be a better means of protecting sensitive information on the phone. However, according to Express, this kind of technology has not yet been market tested, making it too much of a risky move on Apple's part to just make it available. The iPhone X is undeniably aesthetically pleasing though.

The phones are priced at $699, $799, and $999 respectively. Perhaps it is understandable that the all glass front of the iPhone X and its Face ID features warrants a $300 jump. According to ZD Net, Apple CEO Tim Cook was asked by the hosts of the television show "Good Morning America" about the price of the iPhone X. Cook responded by saying that for its features, the iPhone X at $999 is at a "value price."

Regardless, people are still impressed by Apple's new phones. In a review by Gizmodo, they praised the new phones for their speed and efficiency. They stated that the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are "outperforming every Android phone in synthetic test performance." With more reviews like this, then perhaps the company should not really worry.