iPhone trade-in process price bump; Deal sweetened by Apple

The iPhone 5S(Apple)

Most people these days would love to get their hands on the latest iPhone 6 but the thing is, they want to shell out less money in order to do so.

The easiest to way to bring down the cost is to of course either sell your old phone or trade them in. And everyone knows that Apple stores can accommodate folks who are looking to get rid of their old phones to somehow offset the prices of the latest iPhones in the market.

But the thing is, folks have become apprehensive since Apple's Reuse and Recycle program doesn't necessarily offer the best of prices thus holding back people from selling old iPhone units and delaying their want to buy a new one.

Well of course, it would be wise to wait until the iPhone 6 and newer devices depreciate but that could take some time. Especially for the impatient Apple users, an acceptable trade-in for old iPhones would be ideal.

But this month, it looks like Apple will be bumping up the trade-in prices a bit, not so dramatic but better than the previous offers and depending on the iPhone model.

Like the iPhone 4S for instance, folks can now trade-in the old models for up to $50 compared to the previous value of $35. The iPhone 5 can churn back $100 (previously $85) while the iPhone 5S can give previous owners $200 from the previous $175.

The trade-in program for the old iPhone models is of course limited to the United States for now and it could be interesting to see if this would expand to other territories.

Just the same could the jacked up prices entice customers with old iPhones to finally trade them in and lessen the cost of getting a new one? Depending on how you look at it, the increase seems better but could still leave some folks thinking twice before upgrading to the newer and expensive iPhone models currently in the market.