IPrayTV to stream Church of Holy Sepulchure this Easter

As Easter Sunday approaches IPrayTV has wired Jerusalem’s most revered Christian sites for live streaming video & audio feeds in an effort to help connect believers around the globe to the Holy Land as they celebrate the holiday.

Beginning at sunrise in Jerusalem on April 12, as Western Christianity begins to celebrate Easter, IPrayTV will begin streaming footage from the courtyard of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, widely held to be the site of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, central to the Easter holiday.

IPrayTV plans connect the first ever live streaming video from within the Church, capturing ceremonies throughout the duration of the week and culminating in the Holy Fire ritual of the Greek Orthodox denomination.

IPrayTV is the first provider of internet broadcast services to faith-based organisations linking ministries to the Holy sites through simulcast. The service was launched in October 2008, and maintains live streaming video 24/7 from key Christian holy sites in Jerusalem including Calvary, Mount of Olives, mount ascension, the Eastern Gate, the City of David, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the city of Jerusalem.

IPrayTV was also responsible for the first such feeds delivered from the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, during Christmas of last year.

“As soon as the technology became available, we’ve been working to help believers around the world share the experience of Israel and the Holy Sites,” said Mike Peros, founder and CEO of IPrayTV. “The ability to log in and connect to these sites year-round can enrich the way many people relate to their faith, all the more so during the holidays.

“We received very positive feedback following our Christmas feed from Bethlehem, and I expect the unprecedented access we have been granted into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre will make this year’s Easter more meaningful for our viewers as well.”