Iraq Abductors Release New Video Threatening Death to Christian Hostages

A new videotape has been broadcast on Arabic television station al-Jazeera showing the four Christian peace workers being held hostage in Iraq on Friday Dec. 2nd.

|TOP|The station quoted the kidnappers as saying that they would kill the men unless all prisoners being held in Iraqi and US centres were freed before Dec. 8th. The group of hostages consist of two Canadians, an American and a Briton, who are being held by kidnappers that have accused them of being spies.

The group has identified itself as being called the ‘Swords of truth’. But despite their accusations against the hostages the US-based Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) identified the men as: Norman Kember, 74, from Britain; Tom Fox, 54, from the USA; and James loney, 41, and Harmeet Singh Sooden, 32, both from Canada.

Earlier this week, the vicar of Baghdad, Canon Andrew White said that he warned the peace agency responsible for the kidnapped peace workers, not to go to the country because it was too dangerous.

Canon White’s comments come amid rising criticism against CPT that they acted irresponsibly in ignoring advice telling them to avoid the area. CPT was the only humanitarian organisation left in Iraq after the country was deemed too unsafe for foreign workers.

|AD|“I did warn them (CPT) not to go out,” said Canon White, chief executive of the Foundation for Reconciliation in the Middle East. “But they are good people who meant very well but it is such a dangerous environment.”

Despite the chaos and bloodshed in Baghdad there was also a spark of hope, with the first Anglican baptised in Iraq this week for more than a decade.

Baby Andrew Hanna Phoma Clive was baptised by Canon White in the only Anglican church in Iraq, St George’s, situated in the heart of the heavily militarised green zone in Baghdad.

Canon White said: “Amongst everything that is terrible there is a small sign of hope; it was a very special occasion.”

He joked: “I am now not the only Anglican in Iraq, there’s two of us and they are both called Andrew.”

The baby was named Andrew after Canon White and Clive after the Primate of Jerusalem and the Middle East, the most Rev. Clive Hanford.